



请您在使用本产品之前仔细阅读下列条款。您下载、安装或使用本产品或者单击“ 我同意”表明您已经阅读本协议并充分理解、遵守本协议所有条款,包括涉及免除或者限制本公司责任的免责条款、用户权利限制条款、约定争议解决方式等,这些条款均用粗体字标注。如果您不同意本协议的全部或部分内容,请不要下载、安装和使用本产品。

1. 权利声明

1.1 知识产权。


1.2 软件所有权保留。


2. 授权许可

2.1 授权许可。


2.2 限制.


3. 用户行为

3.1 您需要对自己发布的所有用户内容负责。


3.2 在使用过程中,您将承担因下述行为而产生的全部法律责任,本公司不对您的下述行为承担任何责任:










3.3 您同意不通过本产品从事下列行为:







3.4 费用及提现


3.4.1 对于本产品,具有微信提现功能,提现规则如下:










1、通过程序或脚本模拟用户的点击,自动化点击和检索产生工具、第三方产生点击或检索(例如付费点击、自动浏览、点击机,代理服 务器IP点击,假IP点击,相互点击,自动刷新)




4. 功能的调整、改进与升级


5. 无担保声明

5.1 本公司在发布本产品之前,已对产品进行了详尽的技术测试和功能测试,但鉴于移动电子设备系统的复杂性,本公司不能保证本产品会兼容所有用户的移动设备,也无法保证用户在使用本产品过程中能够持续不出现任何技术故障。

5.2 在法律允许的最大限度内,本公司不对产品内容做任何明示、暗示和强制的担保,包括但不限于软件的兼容性;产品一定满足您的需求或期望;或使用产品将不间断的、及时的、安全的、或无错误的的。

5.3 由于网络环境的自由与开放特征,本产品可能会被第三方擅自修改、破解发布于互联网,建议用户从本公司的官方应用渠道,如官网、本公司已申请认证的第三方应用商店下载、安装本产品,本公司不会对任何非本公司发布的非官方版本承担任何责任。

6. 赔偿

6.1 赔偿。在你违反本协议或你所提供的信息侵犯第三方合法权益而导致直接或间接损失的情况下,你应当赔偿本公司、关联公司、第三方合作伙伴以及上述企业的董事、管理人员、雇员和代理人的所有损失、费用或支出。

6.2 赔偿程序。可以通知你及时要求赔偿。然而,本公司未能通知不会减轻你的赔偿义务,除了在某种程度上,未能及时通知你给你造成了实质上的损害。

6.3 额外的责任。你的赔偿义务不是本公司的唯一补救措施,除此之外可能本公司对你依据本协议采取其他补救措施,你的赔偿义务在本协议终止后仍存在。

7. 不可抗力与责任限制

7.1 不可抗力:本协议有效期间,如若遭受不可抗力事件,任何一方可暂行中止履行本协议项下的义务直至不可抗力事件的影响消除,并且遭受方无需为此承担违约责任,但应及时将不可抗力事件及时通知对方,并尽最大努力克服该事件,减少损失的扩大。不可抗力指各方不能控制、不可预见或即使预见亦无法避免的事件且该事件足以妨碍、影响或延误任何一方根据本协议履行其全部或部分义务。该事件包括但不限于自然灾害、战争、法律法规变更、政府命令、计算机病毒、黑客攻击或基础电信运营商服务中断等。

7.2 损害限制:本公司及其分支,和所属的管理人员、董事、合伙人、雇员、承包商给你造成的所有损害赔偿额度均仅限于你使用产品支付的款额。你放弃对特殊、间接、附带或间接损害要求赔偿的权利,包括并不限于利润损失、收入、使用、或数据和应用的损失,即使本公司知道此类损失的可能性。

8. 个人信息保护


9. 其他

9.1 产品运营周期须知


9.2 通知


9.3 本协议的修改


9.4 适用法律和管辖法院


9.5 存续








請您在使用本産品之前仔細閱讀下列條款。您下載、安裝或使用本産品或者單擊“ 我同意”表明您已經閱讀本協議並充分理解、遵守本協議所有條款,包括涉及免除或者限制本公司責任的免責條款、用戶權利限制條款、約定爭議解決方式等,這些條款均用粗體字標注。如果您不同意本協議的全部或部分內容,請不要下載、安裝和使用本産品。

1. 權利聲明

1.1 知識産權。


1.2 軟件所有權保留。


2. 授權許可

2.1 授權許可。


2.2 限制.


3. 用戶行爲

3.1 您需要對自己發布的所有用戶內容負責。


3.2 在使用過程中,您將承擔因下述行爲而産生的全部法律責任,本公司不對您的下述行爲承擔任何責任:










3.3 您同意不通過本産品從事下列行爲:







3.4 費用及提現


3.4.1 對于本産品,具有微信提現功能,提現規則如下:










1、通過程序或腳本模擬用戶的點擊,自動化點擊和檢索産生工具、第三方産生點擊或檢索(例如付費點擊、自動浏覽、點擊機,代理服 務器IP點擊,假IP點擊,相互點擊,自動刷新)




4. 功能的調整、改進與升級


5. 無擔保聲明

5.1 本公司在發布本産品之前,已對産品進行了詳盡的技術測試和功能測試,但鑒于移動電子設備系統的複雜性,本公司不能保證本産品會兼容所有用戶的移動設備,也無法保證用戶在使用本産品過程中能夠持續不出現任何技術故障。

5.2 在法律允許的最大限度內,本公司不對産品內容做任何明示、暗示和強制的擔保,包括但不限于軟件的兼容性;産品一定滿足您的需求或期望;或使用産品將不間斷的、及時的、安全的、或無錯誤的的。

5.3 由于網絡環境的自由與開放特征,本産品可能會被第三方擅自修改、破解發布于互聯網,建議用戶從本公司的官方應用渠道,如官網、本公司已申請認證的第三方應用商店下載、安裝本産品,本公司不會對任何非本公司發布的非官方版本承擔任何責任。

6. 賠償

6.1 賠償。在你違反本協議或你所提供的信息侵犯第三方合法權益而導致直接或間接損失的情況下,你應當賠償本公司、關聯公司、第三方合作夥伴以及上述企業的董事、管理人員、雇員和代理人的所有損失、費用或支出。

6.2 賠償程序。可以通知你及時要求賠償。然而,本公司未能通知不會減輕你的賠償義務,除了在某種程度上,未能及時通知你給你造成了實質上的損害。

6.3 額外的責任。你的賠償義務不是本公司的唯一補救措施,除此之外可能本公司對你依據本協議采取其他補救措施,你的賠償義務在本協議終止後仍存在。

7. 不可抗力與責任限制

7.1 不可抗力:本協議有效期間,如若遭受不可抗力事件,任何一方可暫行中止履行本協議項下的義務直至不可抗力事件的影響消除,並且遭受方無需爲此承擔違約責任,但應及時將不可抗力事件及時通知對方,並盡最大努力克服該事件,減少損失的擴大。不可抗力指各方不能控制、不可預見或即使預見亦無法避免的事件且該事件足以妨礙、影響或延誤任何一方根據本協議履行其全部或部分義務。該事件包括但不限于自然災害、戰爭、法律法規變更、政府命令、計算機病毒、黑客攻擊或基礎電信運營商服務中斷等。

7.2 損害限制:本公司及其分支,和所屬的管理人員、董事、合夥人、雇員、承包商給你造成的所有損害賠償額度均僅限于你使用産品支付的款額。你放棄對特殊、間接、附帶或間接損害要求賠償的權利,包括並不限于利潤損失、收入、使用、或數據和應用的損失,即使本公司知道此類損失的可能性。

8. 個人信息保護


9. 其他

9.1 産品運營周期須知


9.2 通知


9.3 本協議的修改


9.4 適用法律和管轄法院


9.5 存續




User agreement

Updated: March 15th, 2021

Effective: March 16, 2021

This user agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") is applicable to the products and services of this product (hereinafter referred to as "us"). This agreement is a legally binding legal agreement between you (individual or single entity) and the company on the use of this product. This legal agreement includes, but is not limited to, all the terms of this page, the privacy policy of Article 8, and the policies or service rules that we separately publish for some of the functions of the product, if any.

Please read the following terms carefully before using this product. You download, install or use this product or click "I agree" to indicate that you have read this Agreement and fully understand and comply with all the terms of this agreement, including the exemption clauses, user rights restrictions, agreed dispute resolution methods, etc. which are all marked in bold. If you do not agree with the whole or part of this agreement, please do not download, install and use this product.

1. declaration of rights

1.1 intellectual property rights.

Guangzhou elf computer system Co., Ltd. has all the rights of "this product" and intellectual property rights. The product is protected by the intellectual property law of China and other countries, International Intellectual Property Conventions (including but not limited to copyright law, trademark law, patent law, etc.). All rights not granted to you are reserved by the company and you cannot remove the copyright mark or other claim from the product.

1.2 software ownership retention.

You are sure that you do not have the ownership of the software, the software is not sold to the user, and the company reserves the ownership of the software.

2. authorization permission

2.1 authorization.

We grant you a non exclusive, non transferable, non-commercial, revocable license to download, install, back up and use the product. We grant you the use of this product only for personal non-commercial purposes on mobile devices. If you want to use this product for other purposes other than authorized by the company or for other commercial purposes, you must obtain separate written permission from the company.

2.2 restrictions

You may not modify, translate, reverse assemble, reverse engineer, or reverse translate part or all of the software without the written permission of the company unless expressly provided for or permitted by applicable law in respect of certain third party software.

3. user behavior

3.1 you need to be responsible for all user content published by yourself.

User content refers to all content (such as your information, sound, picture or other content) generated when you publish or otherwise use this product. You are the only person responsible for your user content, and you will bear all legal liabilities for violation of laws and third party rights and interests of your users.

3.2 during the use, you will bear all legal liabilities arising from the following behaviors, and the company shall not be liable for the following behaviors:

Destroying the basic principles determined by the constitution

Endangering national security, disclosing state secrets, subverting state power and destroying national unity

Damaging the honor and interests of the state

Incite national hatred or national discrimination and undermine national unity

Destroying the state religious policy and promoting cult and feudal superstition

Spreading rumors, disturbing social order and destroying social stability

Spreading obscene, pornographic, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime

Insulting or slandering others and infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others

Containing other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

3.3 you agree not to conduct the following behaviors through the product:

Software that publishes or shares computer viruses, worms, malicious code, intentionally destroys or changes computer systems or data

Collect information or data of other users without authorization, such as illegal collection of personal information of a third party, which infringes on the privacy of third parties or other legitimate civil rights and interests

Using this product in an automated way, causing excessive burden to the server or interfering or damaging the server and network links of the product in other ways

Attempt to access server data or communication data of the product without authorization

Interfere with and destroy the use of other users of the product

Modify, crack, decompile, disassemble and reverse engineer the product without authorization of the company, and release the modified version and cracked version of the product

3.4 expenses and withdrawal

This product is free of charge, but you shall bear the relevant expenses incurred in the process of using the product, including but not limited to the communication fees, information fees and other related fees charged by personal Internet or third parties (including but not limited to telecommunication or mobile communication providers).

3.4.1 for this product, it has the function of wechat withdrawal. The withdrawal rules are as follows:

1. Withdrawal can only be made if certain conditions are met. Please read the notes carefully, and accept the withdrawal rules for using the product

2. The new user is defined as within 24 hours after the application is registered, and the new user cannot be offered the opportunity of 1 yuan withdrawal if the time is exceeded

3. 100 yuan withdrawal shall meet the login days of 30 days, otherwise, it cannot be withdrawn temporarily

4. The same user (like one device, the same mobile phone number and the same ID card, which meets the above conditions shall be deemed as the same user) can apply for withdrawal once a day

5. New users have the opportunity to withdraw experience (the specific amount is subject to the user joining the app page) and the experience withdrawal has one chance.

6. The withdrawal application will be approved and received within 3-5 working days (if there is peak period, it may delay the arrival of the account, please wait patiently)

7. Please pay attention to my cash withdrawal record in time to check the status of exchange.

8. If the user gets the reward through cheating, the app has the right to fail the audit and seal the account. Charging money may be adjusted at any time and informed to the user.

3.4.2 all behaviors that may cause harm to the rights and interests of elves' customers, adverse effects on the goodwill of the elves computer brand, unfair competition or infringement of the elf platform are prohibited, including but not limited to the following forms

1. Simulate user click through program or script, automatically click and retrieve generation tools, third party generate click or retrieval (such as pay Click, automatic browsing, click machine, proxy IP click, fake IP click, click each other, refresh automatically)

2. It is promoted by means of virus program, strong home page, forced hijacking address bar, cheating of search engine, virtual increase of display times, etc

3. The cooperative content can not be induced click behavior

Once any of the above violations are found, the elf has the right to punish the violation, seal the account number and clear the balance.

4. adjustment, improvement and upgrading of functions

The company may adjust, improve and increase the functions and services of the product from time to time to optimize the user's intelligent input service experience. Any updated or future version or other change of this product is also subject to this agreement.

5. No Warranty Statement

5.1 before the product was released, the company has carried out detailed technical test and function test for the product. However, due to the complexity of mobile electronic equipment system, the company can not guarantee that the product will be compatible with all users' mobile devices, nor can it guarantee that the user can continue to avoid any technical failure during the use of the product.

5.2 to the maximum extent permitted by law, the company shall not guarantee the product contents, including but not limited to software compatibility; the products must meet your needs or expectations; or the use of the products will be uninterrupted, timely, safe or error free.

5.3 due to the free and open characteristics of the network environment, the product may be modified and cracked by a third party without authorization. It is suggested that users download and install the product from the official application channels of the company, such as official website and the third-party application store that the company has applied for certification. The company will not bear any responsibility for any unofficial version issued by the company.

6. compensation

6.1 compensation. In the event that you violate this agreement or the information provided by you infringes the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, and results in direct or indirect losses, you shall compensate the company, affiliated companies, third party partners and directors, managers, employees and agents of the above-mentioned enterprises for all losses, expenses or expenses.

6.2 compensation procedure. You can be informed to claim compensation in time. However, the failure of our company to inform will not relieve you of your liability for compensation, except for the fact that failure to inform you in time has caused you substantial damage.

6.3 additional responsibilities. Your liability is not the sole remedy of the company, except that the company may take other remedies against you under this agreement, and your liability to compensate shall still exist after the termination of this agreement.

7. force majeure and limitation of liability

7.1 Force Majeure: during the validity of this agreement, if any party suffers force majeure event, either party may temporarily suspend the performance of its obligations under this Agreement until the influence of force majeure event is eliminated, and the party suffering shall not be liable for breach of contract, but shall timely notify the other party of the force majeure event, and make every effort to overcome the event and reduce the expansion of losses. Force majeure means an event which cannot be controlled, unforeseen or unavoidable by the parties and which is sufficient to prevent, affect or delay the performance of all or part of its obligations by either party under this agreement. The incident includes, but is not limited to, natural disasters, wars, changes in laws and regulations, government orders, computer viruses, hacker attacks or interruption of services of basic telecommunication operators.

7.2 limitation of damage: all damages caused to you by the company and its branches, and its officers, directors, partners, employees and contractors are limited to the amount you pay for using the products. You waive the right to claim compensation for special, indirect, incidental or indirect damages, including, without limitation, loss of profits, income, use, or data and application, even if the company is aware of the possibility of such loss.

8. personal information protection

In order to realize the purpose of this agreement, we will continuously optimize the user experience and provide more personalized and intelligent content and services to users. The company will collect your relevant personal information and non personal information. For the content, purpose of use and how to protect your information, please understand our privacy policy, which forms part of this agreement.

9. others

9.1 notice on product operation cycle

The trial operation cycle of this product will be announced one month before the termination of the product operation, whether the product is terminated or continued operation due to various comprehensive factors, if the trial operation cycle ends from March 1, 2021 to June 1, 2021. Please pay attention to the announcement of product trends in my page and user agreement. If the product stops operation, the system will Recycle all virtual gold coins that have not reached the withdrawal standard and empty all information of users. Please arrange time to experience the products reasonably.

9.2 notice

All questions, notices, requirements or requests concerning this Agreement and privacy policy shall be written in Chinese and sent to the company's email address: qidong@qdlauncher.com , the company will respond within 30 working days.

9.3 amendment to this Agreement

Due to business expansion, adjustment or regulatory changes, the company may modify this agreement to the extent permitted by law in due time. If the adjustment will have a significant impact on your rights and obligations, we will inform you as much as possible by email, in app notification, etc. We recommend that you visit our website and mobile applications regularly to follow any changes in this agreement. After the modification of this agreement, you will continue to use this product to accept the modified agreement content on behalf of you.

9.4 applicable law and court of jurisdiction

The applicable laws of the people's Republic of China shall be the laws and interpretations of disputes arising from the implementation of this Agreement and all procedures. All disputes arising from this Agreement shall be governed by the court of residence of the company in Guangzhou, China.

9.5 survival

All provisions concerning exclusive rights, compensation and limitation of liability shall remain valid after the termination of the agreement.

Appendix 1: the scope of products and services applicable to this user agreement:

Products and services of the product